martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

The death of a Tower

Im the U.S.A on the September 11 in 2001, an airplane destroyed the twin towers by the group of terrorist red yihadita( is a group the terrorist the afganistan), the reason of this attack started a war with afganistan.
The group red yihadita created a great and terrible consequense, dead a 3000 people in U.S.A this day, and more the 6000 hert.
The terrorists destroyed different airplanes on this day, a U.S.A  payed millon dolar for this desaster, but the police arested nine terrorists for the attack. Im my opinion, it is a day that the U.S.A will never forg.

 In the photografh, I can see a twin tower in the destroction. One of the tower is a under fire for the attack terrorist but the other tower is a very destroyer a top and can see a great clound thwe smoke.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Human Right

My opinion on human rights is that they are is that you're rules in which people can live in a society without problems or differences.

Human rights are "commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

My opinion social network

My opinion about social network in general is that they are places where people can communicate and discuss various topics in general. But they are also places where problems can arise with people with whom you interact.
My opinion about facebook is that it is a good site but keep a check on the people you talk because you may have bad intentions. But on the other hand is a good place to start a conversation with someone, colleagues, family should know to use it only for good intentions.

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

About me

My name is Miyel vidales, I have 18 years of age.

.Location Canelones Las Piedras, with my father, mother and my two sisters. Study 3 in high school and I am studying Las Piedras 6th year of engineering. One of my hoobies is to watch movies and listen to music like linkin park and disturbed.
My futuro plans are to finish high school and then to study in a course direction utu company to take a job as a clerk in a company or bank.
My family consists of my father (Washington) works at a trucking company, my mother (Liliana) is a housewife and my 2 sisters (Paulina and Lucia) are studying at school and at school.
My daily activities consist of getting up at all hours of the morning, pick up my room once awake, then breakfast and listen to music.
At noon lunch and after that I see

arrglo a shower and go to high school, but over time I listen to music or watch on the TV a. But if that day ago I have written what is study or review things that I have to give, then I'm going to high school and when I go to bed and such that's my daily routine.